Friday, December 13, 2013

Top CNN Student News Stories of 2013

Death of Nelson Mandela
Government shutdown
Merrill Newman being released from North Korea
First woman CEO for an American car company hired by GM
King Richard III's bones found under a parking lot in England
Serian's nuclear power plant vs. nuclear weapon potential
Ukraine's president didn't sign the trade agreement with Europe
India launched a rocket to Mars; spent millions of dollars on their space program when much of their population is starving or in severe poverty.
Violin from the Titanic was found and auctioned off for $1.7 million.
Detroit claimed bankruptcy
10 cannons from Blackbeard's ship were pulled from the ocean
Diane Nia swam 103 from Cuba to Florida
China lifting ban on 1 child per family
Millions of dollars worth of famous paintings were discovered in Germany by Van Gogh, Toulouse LaTrec. Paintings were thought to be stolen by Nazis from Jews during WWII.
New $100 bills have hologram strip and a liberty bell for security.
Space craft with 50 different methods of communication with a time capsule enclosed for aliens.
Fast food workers are on strike; fight for $15 per hour
Ban on cell phone calls on planes may be lifted
Terrorists in South Africa bombed a mall
Shooting in a Navy yard
Human rights for chimpanzees
11 counties in Colorado wanted to secede from Colorado because their governments were ignoring their requests to help small towns.
Edward Snowden leaked government information and is currently in hiding in Russia
School shooting in Sandy Hills; 14 year old student shot his math teacher
Flooding in Colorado destroyed towns
In the past 4 years, 258 plants and 441 new species have been discovered in the Brazilian Rainforests
Malala Yousafzai, a teenager, was shot for fighting for rights of women in the Middle East. She is now an international spokesperson for women’s rights and has her own foundation, WomenOne
Cyberbullying caused suicide
In Texas, 80 degrees one day and 20 degrees the next
A canyon was discovered in Greenland under a glacier that is bigger than the Grand Canyon
Iron Man suit being created by US military

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