Thursday, December 19, 2013

Words Their Way

                   Words Their Way

Words Their Way allows student to practice their spelling words and do activities to help keep it fun. Every week each student has to do at least five spelling sorts to help them know which group each word goes in. Another thing is the blind sort practice.You find a partner and your partner gives you each of your words and you put them into different categories such as (ing) and (od-ball.) The spelling sort is where you are putting your word patterns on the top and you will put your words underneath the correct category and when you are done you will record it in your Words Your Way. Each week you have to do three or more activities and those activities include…. Word Hunt, ABC order add one,spelling sneaky snakes,shining star write,word find fun,and digging in the dictionary.The Words Their Way program helps your child understand the words better.Your child will be bringing home words every week to study.Make sure your child practices their words every night.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Google Docs

                         Google Docs

Google Docs is a place that you can do projects with classmates in real time. You can make your own project . You can edit your project. You can send it to your teacher when your done. You can add images and video.Google docs is a place that you can comment.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Conscious Discipline

Conscious Discipline
                                                         Conscious Discipline helps build the school family and it sets limits respectably. We have several Conscious Discipline tools that we use in Ms.Grossbier’s classroom,  including  the Safe Place, the Time Machine and instant replay, meaningful jobs for the class, We Care Station, picture rule cards, and class meetings. In the Safe Place, we have feeling buddies which are used when you feel sad or mad or for whenever we are having a bad day, we can come in and write in the journal.The purpose of the picture rule cards is to empower students while setting limits. The skills that picture card rules help to create are Composure, Encouragement, Assertiveness, Choices, Positive Intent, Empathy, and Consequences. We also use C.A.R.E.S. in the classroom in conjunction with Conscious Discipline.The C in C.A.R.E.S. means Cooperation,The A in C.A.R.E.R.S means Assertion,The R in C.A.R.E.S means Responsibility,the E in C.A.R.E.S means Empathy, the S in C.A.R.E.S means Self-Control.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Project Feeder Watch

          Project  Feederwatch                      Project FeederWatch is about studying birds, their habitats and diet. This information lets us learn more about the bird’s lifestyle. We also learn about how birds are similar and different from other birds. This information is used by ornithologists to determine if a new disease is spreading through birds in certain areas.
This kind of strange blue jay is nicknamed “papa smurf”.                            
Now you can see how the birds acts when not being seen with the “bird cam” on the project feederwatch.You can also see close-up pictures on birds on Project Feederwatch. Some birds look odd, maybe they’re  missing head feathers, or have a twisted beak, you don’t really need to be worried about them. If you go to project feederwatch you can see the top 25 birds.
This is a picture of an ill bird.

You can also join project feederwatch you just go to the home page well, first you type “project feederwatch” and then it will say join now. Now you just go to join now and now you’ve joined!
Article by: Brooklyn Pulchinski and Alison Junemann  

Friday, December 13, 2013

Top CNN Student News Stories of 2013

Death of Nelson Mandela
Government shutdown
Merrill Newman being released from North Korea
First woman CEO for an American car company hired by GM
King Richard III's bones found under a parking lot in England
Serian's nuclear power plant vs. nuclear weapon potential
Ukraine's president didn't sign the trade agreement with Europe
India launched a rocket to Mars; spent millions of dollars on their space program when much of their population is starving or in severe poverty.
Violin from the Titanic was found and auctioned off for $1.7 million.
Detroit claimed bankruptcy
10 cannons from Blackbeard's ship were pulled from the ocean
Diane Nia swam 103 from Cuba to Florida
China lifting ban on 1 child per family
Millions of dollars worth of famous paintings were discovered in Germany by Van Gogh, Toulouse LaTrec. Paintings were thought to be stolen by Nazis from Jews during WWII.
New $100 bills have hologram strip and a liberty bell for security.
Space craft with 50 different methods of communication with a time capsule enclosed for aliens.
Fast food workers are on strike; fight for $15 per hour
Ban on cell phone calls on planes may be lifted
Terrorists in South Africa bombed a mall
Shooting in a Navy yard
Human rights for chimpanzees
11 counties in Colorado wanted to secede from Colorado because their governments were ignoring their requests to help small towns.
Edward Snowden leaked government information and is currently in hiding in Russia
School shooting in Sandy Hills; 14 year old student shot his math teacher
Flooding in Colorado destroyed towns
In the past 4 years, 258 plants and 441 new species have been discovered in the Brazilian Rainforests
Malala Yousafzai, a teenager, was shot for fighting for rights of women in the Middle East. She is now an international spokesperson for women’s rights and has her own foundation, WomenOne
Cyberbullying caused suicide
In Texas, 80 degrees one day and 20 degrees the next
A canyon was discovered in Greenland under a glacier that is bigger than the Grand Canyon
Iron Man suit being created by US military

Top CNN Student News Stories of 2013

Death of Nelson Mandela
Government shutdown
Merrill Newman being released from North Korea
First woman CEO for an American car company hired by GM
King Richard III's bones found under a parking lot in England
Serian's nuclear power plant vs. nuclear weapon potential
Ukraine's president didn't sign the trade agreement with Europe
India launched a rocket to Mars; spent millions of dollars on their space program when much of their population is starving or in severe poverty.
Violin from the Titanic was found and auctioned off for $1.7 million.
Detroit claimed bankruptcy
10 cannons from Blackbeard's ship were pulled from the ocean
Diane Nia swam 103 from Cuba to Florida
China lifting ban on 1 child per family
Millions of dollars worth of famous paintings were discovered in Germany by Van Gogh, Toulouse LaTrec. Paintings were thought to be stolen by Nazis from Jews during WWII.
New $100 bills have hologram strip and a liberty bell for security.
Space craft with 50 different methods of communication with a time capsule enclosed for aliens.
Fast food workers are on strike; fight for $15 per hour
Ban on cell phone calls on planes may be lifted
Terrorists in South Africa bombed a mall
Shooting in a Navy yard
Human rights for chimpanzees
11 counties in Colorado wanted to secede from Colorado because their governments were ignoring their requests to help small towns.
Edward Snowden leaked government information and is currently in hiding in Russia
School shooting in Sandy Hills; 14 year old student shot his math teacher
Flooding in Colorado destroyed towns
In the past 4 years, 258 plants and 441 new species have been discovered in the Brazilian Rainforests
Malala Yousafzai, a teenager, was shot for fighting for rights of women in the Middle East. She is now an international spokesperson for women’s rights and has her own foundation, WomenOne
Cyberbullying caused suicide
In Texas, 80 degrees one day and 20 degrees the next
A canyon was discovered in Greenland under a glacier that is bigger than the Grand Canyon
Iron Man suit being created by US military

CNN Student News

CNN Student News
By: Mariah Roseno and Macie Zopfi

Ms.Grossbier’s 5th grade class has been doing CNN Student News (host is Carl Azuz) since the beginning of the year.We have been learning a lot about history and what is going on in the world such as the typhoon in the philippines, and the war in Syria.We have also learned a lot about new technology.One (1) example is in Moscow, Russia they have made a machine where you get a free subway ticket if you can do 30 squats in 2 minutes.The point of this is to get people more active.Every segment we watch is 10 minutes long.The segment includes,politics, entertainment,tech,health,travel and opinions of people in the world.The one thing we look forward to the most is roll call.Roll call is when they name 3 schools that watch.THINK academy will probably be on tord christmas because our mascot is a reindeer,so keep your fingers crossed!Each day we take notes in our Social Studies notebook.When the news is over we share our notes. Thats how we do CNN student new in Ms.Grossbiers 5th grade classroom.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Linwood Springs Research Station

Owl Research Station
The northern-saw-whet-owl has a cat like face, yellow beady eyes and has a very tiny body. When we were inside a small building someone had found a saw-whet-owl. saw-whet-owls are so small that they are able to fit in a orange juice container. Female saw-whet-owls choose the nesting spot ¾ of the time and males choose the nesting spot for ¼ of the time. We were there for about 2-3 hours. We got to see an owl named Crash he is the same species of owl that had been hit by a car. Now Crash is blind in one eye. Crash is the same species of owl but behaves differently after being hit by a car and does not like to be touched very much by humans. Northern saw-whet-owls
migration is very poorly understood. Female saw-whet-owls are the ones who keeps the nest clean and mainly takes care of the whole place. Even though the
female saw-whet-owl cleans the nest often it still gets very messy and unclean very fast and she will half to clean it again. They snap their beak when they are nervous too! In 1999 a saw-whet-owl landed on a vessel
70 miles from the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. The oldest saw-whet-owl was 9 years old 5 months when it was captured and released by a bird bander soon after it was captured. The main things saw-whet-owls eat is mice mainly deer mice. The saw-whet-owl got its name of the saw-whet-owl  because one of their calls sounds like a saw sawing a board.             

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Kidblog is a safe and effective way for students to respond to blogs posted by Ms. Grossbier. First, Ms. G. will give us something to blog about. Then we have to respond by a due date. Then we have to do another one and days. She chooses a topic on what we learned and we have to finish it in about two days. She gives us a link to read and to respond to her post. These are some topics we blogged about: Who are the Wampanoag?, What kinds of food did the Pilgrims grow?, Columbus Day, Clothing of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag in the 1620’s, Daybreak at Planting Time in New Plymouth. Our class response blog can be found at


Wisconsin Bird Glogster Project   Ms.Grossbier’s class got to pick a bird native to Wisconsin to research. They had to find information on the bird they picked like, what color is it, how big is it, how many eggs does it lay, what is it’s habitat, and what is it’s diet. When they finished all their research  Ms.Grossbier helped us set up a Glogster account. Once we set up our account we got right to work and started to fill in information and pictures on our bird. The students can put videos and pictures in their Glogster for more information . Glogster is a safe and fun digital poster. It help keeps our class more organized. The class will be using it for other projects. This helps the students keep organized. We will be printing your child’s out, and we will put it in your child’s portfolio.
       By:Grace Radke and Elizabeth Pagels

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Battle of the Books

2014 Elementary Division
Statewide Battle of the Books
Reading List (alphabetical)
Among the Hidden
by Margaret Peterson Haddix
The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket
Big Mean Mike by Michelle Knudsen
Big Red by Jim Kjelgaard
City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau
Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds
Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel by Jeff Kinney
Escape!: The Story of the Great Houdini / Sid Fleischman
Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett
The Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 (I Survived series #7) by Lauren Tarshis
Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert O’Brien
No Talking by Andrew Clements
The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate
Press Here by Herve Tullet                                                                                       *
Stick Dog by Tom Watson
This Is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen
The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis
Wonder by R. J. Palacio

The       Mayflower
During the month of November, we made a paper diagram of the Mayflower which shows all of the levels of the ship. It shows where all of the rooms were located, and where everything on the ship was stored. We also shared about the history of Pilgrims and the journey of the Mayflower to our 2nd grade Book Buddies in Mrs. Pearl’s room.            By:Cameron, Liam, and Myles

Help the Philippines
After the Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines the children and adults are in desperate need food and water. If you would like to donate money to the Philippines, please visit the following website:  
Then when you are all finished, hit process and your money will go directly to Unicef.
           THANK YOU from Ms.Grossbier’s 5th grade class

Mead Wildlife Center

George W. Mead Wildlife Area     
 Ms. Grossbier’s class went to the George W. Mead Wildlife Area.  We went birding all over the area. They have different places in the area, like the wetland, grassland, and forest. If you go inside you could learn about the loggers and farmers. You can also learn about foxes, bears, birds, and turkeys and why they take the Bear, Fox, Coyotes, and Badger skin. You can feel the furs too. When we looked for birds in the forest we walked on the boardwalk. There are bike trail in the woods also for people to come and bike while looking at nature. The kids split into groups of 4 or 5 and went with an adult chaperone and went out to looking for birds.

 The Mead Wildlife Area is a state wildlife area in Milladore, Wisconsin. The Mead Wildlife Area has over 33,000 acres. They say “It is a neat place to visit, and a great place to come, it is a tremendous place to get away and and observe the wonders that nature offers all of us” At the George W. Mead Wildlife Area you can, hunt, watch and photograph the wildlife. You can also go birding, hike, bike, and train your dog! They also provide great educational opportunities for students.  Also they do field trips and they will do fun activities for you and you children or students.

 The students in Ms. Grossbier’s class really enjoyed it. They liked the experience to look for birds with their friends. Some groups found many birds, and some didn’t find many, but the kids still found it interesting to look for some in every different habitat. The kids liked using the binoculars too, which put a little more fun into it!!

By: Emily Tokarski and Isabelle Pechinski :)   

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Welcome to Ms. Grossbier's class blog!

I am excited to start sharing news and information with you using the world wide web! I will try to keep our blog updated with current events, interesting websites, videos and articles. Please feel free to comment on any posts, but remember to use proper "webiquette"!

Happy blogging!
Ms. G